The 1989 Jaguar Sovereign XJ6
Vehicle Details
Exterior / Interior Colour: Black / Blue Leather |
Passenger Seats: 2 Main Seats, 2 Fold Down Seats |
Passenger Seat Belts Fitted: 2 Front, 2 Rear |
Vehicle’s Base: Portsmouth, Hampshire |
Maximum Operating Area: Within 50 Miles of Portsmouth |
Chauffeur’s Attire: Fully Uniformed |
Local Weekend Prices from: £275 [Full, 4hrs] / £245 [A to B, 2hrs]
Local Weekday Prices from: £275 [Full, 4hrs] / £245 [A to B, 2hrs]
Local Late Availability Prices from: N/A
Is VAT to be added to this vehicle’s price: No
To calculate the price for your wedding: Full Wedding allows 4 hours from the time the car arrives to the end of the wedding and photographs. A to B is simply from the first location to the ceremony, allowing up to 2 hours.