The 1964 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud III

The bodywork for this vehicle was built by James Young, and is thought to be one of only 12 vehicles built by Mr Young, before he unfortunately became disenchanted with Rolls Royce and burnt all the records. This vehicle has had one family owner since new. This vehicle has seating for two/three in the back, and one in the front.
Vehicle Details
Exterior / Interior Colour: Royal Blue / Grey Leather |
Passenger Seats: 1 Front Seat, 3 Rear Seats |
Passenger Seat Belts Fitted: 1 Front Seat Belt |
Vehicle’s Base: Portsmouth, Hampshire |
Maximum Operating Area: Within 50 Miles of Portsmouth |
Chauffeur’s Attire: Fully Uniformed |
Local Weekend Prices from: £375 [Full, 4hrs] / £335 [A to B, 2hrs]
Local Weekday Prices from: £375 [Full, 4hrs] / £335 [A to B, 2hrs]
Local Late Availability Prices from: N/A
Is VAT to be added to this vehicle’s price: No
To calculate the price for your wedding: Full Wedding allows 4 hours from the time the car arrives to the end of the wedding and photographs. A to B is simply from the first location to the ceremony, allowing up to 2 hours.